SolidWorks allows you
to measure the distance of the entities and also view the section properties.
Measuring Distances
Toolbar: Tools > Measure
Menu: Tools > Measure
The measure tools is
used to measure perimeter, angle, radius, and distance between lines, points,
surfaces, and planes in sketches, 3D models, assemblies, or drawings.
To use the measure
tools, you have to invoke the Measure dialog box by choosing Tools >
Measure from the menu bar or by choosing the Measure button from
the Tools toolbar. When you choose the Measure button, the Measure
dialog box is displayed. The name of the document in which you are working
is displayed at the top of the Measure dialog box. The current cursor is
replaced by the measure cursor.
Using the measure
cursor select the entity or entities to measure. The various options in the Measure
dialog box are: