Monday 1 April 2013

SolidWork 2013 - Drawing Circles And Arcs AND Their Related Option


In SolidWorks, there are two methods to draw circles.
The first method is by specifying the center point of a circle and then defining its radius.
The second method is drawing a circle by defining three points that lie on its periphery.
The tools for drawing a circle are grouped together in the Circle fly-out in the Sketch CommandManager.

Drawing Circles by Defining Their Center Points

CommandManager: Sketch > Circle flyout > Circle
SolidWorks menus: Tools > Sketch Entities > Circle
Toolbar: Sketch > Circle

When you invoke the Circle PropertyManager, the Circle button is chosen by default in the Circle Type rollout. This button is chosen to draw a circle by specifying its center.
Specify the center point of the circle and then move the cursor away from the point to defi ne its radius. The current radius of the circle
will be displayed above the circle cursor. This radius will change as you move the cursor. Click on the drawing area away from the center point to defi ne the radius. This radius can be modifi ed by using the Circle PropertyManager. Also, the coordinates of the center point of the circle can be modifi ed by using the Circle PropertyManager.

Drawing Circles by Defining Three Points

CommandManager: Sketch > Circle flyout > Perimeter Circle
SolidWorks menus: Tools > Sketch Entities > Perimeter Circle
Toolbar: Sketch > Circle flyout > Perimeter Circle

The Perimeter Circle tool is used to draw a circle by defining three points that lie on the periphery of a circle. To draw a circle using this method, choose the Perimeter Circle tool from the Circle flyout. Alternatively, invoke the Circle PropertyManager and choose the Perimeter Circle button from the Circle Type rollout. Specify the first point of the circle in the drawing area. Next, specify the other two points of the circle. The resulting circle will be highlighted in light blue and you can modify the circle by setting its parameters in the Circle PropertyManager.

Drawing Construction Circles
If you want to sketch a construction circle, draw a circle using the Circle tool and then select the For construction check box in the Options rollout of the Circle PropertyManager.

To convert a construction entity back to the sketched entity, invoke the Select tool and then select the construction entity; a popup toolbar will be displayed. Deactivate the Construction Geometry button in this toolbar.

In SolidWorks, you can draw arcs by using three tools: Centerpoint Arc, Tangent Arc, and 3 Point Arc. All these tools are grouped together in the Arc flyout in the Sketch CommandManager. You can invoke these tools from the flyout displayed on choosing the
down arrow on the right of the Centerpoint Arc tool.

Drawing Tangent/Normal Arcs

CommandManager: Sketch > Arc flyout > Tangent Arc
SolidWorks menus: Tools > Sketch Entities > Tangent Arc
Toolbar: Sketch > Arc flyout > Tangent Arc

The tangent arcs are the ones that are drawn tangent to an existing sketched entity.
The normal arcs are the ones that are drawn normal to an existing entity.
You can draw tangent and normal arcs using the Tangent Arc tool.

To draw a tangent arc, invoke the Tangent Arc tool.Move the arc cursor close to the endpoint of the entity that you want to select as the tangent entity. You will notice that an orange colored dot is displayed at the endpoint. Also, a yellow symbol displaying two concentric circles appears below the pencil. Now, press the left mouse button once and move the cursor along the tangent direction through a small distance and then move the cursor to size the arc. The arc will start from the endpoint of the tangent entity and its size will change as you move the cursor.

To draw a normal arc, invoke the Tangent Arc tool. Move the cursor close to the endpoint of the entity that you want to select as the normal entity; an orange colored dot will be displayed at the endpoint. Also, a yellow symbol displaying two concentric circles appear below the pencil. Now, press the left mouse button once and move the cursor along the normal direction through a small distance and then move the cursor to size the arc.
On invoking the Tangent Arc tool, the Arc PropertyManager will be displayed. However, the options in the Arc PropertyManager will not be enabled at this stage. These options will be enabled on selecting the completed tangent or normal arc.

Drawing Centerpoint Arcs

CommandManager: Sketch > Arc flyout > Centerpoint Arc
SolidWorks menus: Tools > Sketch Entity > Centerpoint Arc
Toolbar: Sketch > Arc flyout > Centerpoint Arc

The centerpoint arcs are the ones that are drawn by defi ning the centerpoint, start point, and endpoint of the arc.
To draw a centerpoint arc, invoke the Centerpoint Arc tool and then move the arc cursor to the point that you want to specify as the centerpoint of the arc. Press the left mouse button once at the location of the centerpoint and then move the cursor to the point from where you want to start the arc. You will notice that a dotted circle is displayed on the screen. The size of this circle will modify as you move the mouse. This circle is drawn for your reference and the centerpoint of this circle lies at the point that you specifi ed as the center of the arc. Press the left mouse button once at the point that you want to select as the start point of the arc. Next, move the cursor to specify the endpoint of the arc. If you move the cursor in the clockwise direction, the resulting arc will be drawn in the clockwise direction. However, if you move the cursor in the counterclockwise direction, the resulting arc will be drawn in the counterclockwise direction.

Drawing 3 Point Arcs

CommandManager: Sketch > Arc flyout > 3 Point Arc
SolidWorks menus: Tools > Sketch Entities > 3 Point Arc
Toolbar: Sketch > Arc flyout > 3 Point Arc

The three point arcs are the ones that are drawn by defi ning the start point and the endpoint of the arc, and a point on the circumference or the periphery of the arc.

To draw a 3 point arc, invoke the 3 Point Arc tool and then move the three-point arc cursor to the point that you want to specify as the start point of the arc. Press the left mouse button once at the location of the start point and then move the cursor to the point that you want to specify as the endpoint of the arc. As soon as you invoke the 3 Point Arc tool, the Arc PropertyManager will be displayed. Note that when you start moving the cursor after specifying the start point, a reference arc will be displayed. However, the options in the Arc PropertyManager will not be available at this stage. Specify the endpoint of the arc using the left mouse button. You will notice that the reference arc is no longer displayed. Instead, a solid arc is displayed and the cursor is attached to it. As you move the cursor, the arc will also be modifi ed dynamically. Using the left mouse button, specify a point on the screen to create the arc. The last point that you specify will determine the direction of the arc. The options in the Arc PropertyManager will be displayed once you draw the arc. You can modify the properties of the arc using the Arc PropertyManager.

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